Corners Academy at a Glance
Changing Our Community, One Student at a Time.
453 Students
In 2019, Corners Academy tutored over 450 students, from elementary to high school. Only 26% of our students are on their correct reading level, which means 74% are between 1 - 6 levels behind. We work diligently every day at club to improve by incorporating a reading curriculum created specifically for second language learners.
267 Volunteers
Over 250 people from all ages volunteered their time to Corners in 2019. Our volunteers range from middle and high school students who serve regularly, to retirees and everyone in between.
Active Parents
Parents are critical in education. We realized quickly that to achieve our mission of 100% high school graduation, we had to have significant involvement with the parents. In 2019, we had over 160 parents attend workshops and events to build relationships and trust, and to help them understand the importance of education.
Corners Academy’s primary focus is elementary schools. We partner with nine schools with four clubs in Gwinnett and Dekalb counties. Our Director’s spent over 600 hours in the schools this year, serving, collaborating, and assisting parents, students, teachers and adminstration.