Elementary Tutoring
Corners Academy partners with twenty elementary schools, tutoring students who are the most likely to drop out without intervention.
With growth in both our Early Learning and Teen Programs, our elementary tutoring is a bridge that seamlessly connects these worlds together, continuing student growth from birth through high school graduation. The Corners Academy after-school tutoring formula consists of homework assistance, curriculum-guided instruction in reading and math, social and emotional learning activities, physical and nutritional health, and vocational exposure.
Just as importantly, our students learn that they are competent, smart, and can experience real improvement with hard work. They also learn to ask for help when needed—instilling a confidence that is essential for success in middle school, high school, and beyond.
From both Elementary Academy locations in 2022, students demonstrated:
Growth in Math
Growth in Pheonics
Growth in Literacy
2022 was a record-breaking year for Corners Academy! We experienced 22% growth in the attendance of our after school and summer programs, which means we worked with over 650 students and their families! We also expanded our collective impact work with many community partners, including, Gwinnett County Public Schools, Helping Mammas, The City of Dunwoody, DeKalb County Public Schools, Lettum Eat, Georgia Power, UPS and a whole host of other wonderful organizations! In addition to launching our first ever full-day summer camp, we also took steps to serve our students with the build-out of a new multi-language program. This will go a long way in helping our Spanish only speaking students catch up with their academics.
In 2022, Corners Academy Elementary:
We had our all-time max of 240 students register for our 2022 summer camp and engaged 100 new students in tutoring.
Our first clothing drive donated items to 430 individuals in our community.
Fall of 2022 had the most consistent engagement in our parent workshops, with 18 families attending.
With tremendous effort from volunteers and certified teachers, Corners Academy saw significantly improved grades in reading and math for attending students. This was especially true for dual-language learners.
Summer camp filled a serious void in the lives of our elementary students. Having camp five days a week gave our students a safe and enriching place to spend their summer days while parents worked. Students were able to continue studies, stay connected with their friends, enjoy a healthy meal, and continue to grow through a variety of games and experiences. Meanwhile, parents have the peace of mind knowing their children are cared for while they can’t be with them.
For day, time and location information, click here. For more information on our Elementary Tutoring, contact us.
Reading and their future
Why reading is our biggest focus with our students…
The Importance of Dual Language
and how Corners is helping our families with this.
Why Math Matters
Read the research behind why being on math grade level matters…
Around the world or down the street
We all have something to offer the community.